Hamstring Strain

What is a Hamstring Strain? 

hamstring 1The Pelvis, hip and knee are supported by many different joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. At times these structures are pushed beyond their physiological limits causing injury and damage. The Hamstrings are a group of four large muscles behind the thigh. These muscles begin at the pelvis and end at the lower leg, crossing both the hip joint and the knee. Any time that a muscle is damaged or torn we call that a “strain”. A Hamstring Strain occurs when the hamstring muscle is pushed past its physiological limits and stretched or torn. 


Causes Of Hamstring Strain:

Hamstring Strains are one of the most common sports related injuries experienced by both advanced and novice athletes. The majority of Hamstring Strains are simple by nature and do not require serious medical intervention. These injuries come in many different varieties dependent upon the degree to which the muscles are injured. Because the Hamstring crosses both the hip joint and knee joint, the mechanism behind this injury is usually a combination of rapid pelvic flexion and knee extension, such as jumping, kicking a ball, or falling with your leg extended. 



Patients suffering from a Hamstring Strain most commonly experience a traumatic event followed by pain and cramping behind the thigh. The majority of Hamstring Strains will be associated with mild to moderate pain behind the thigh or knee lasting 1-2 weeks and may not require significant professional care. It is common to experience mild swelling and slight discoloration of the skin at the site of injury. Dependent upon the complexity of the event and the amount of damage inflicted on the muscle, spasm and bruising may accompany a Hamstring Strain. In more serious cases a patient with a complete muscle tear, or grade III strain, may experience severe pain, significant blood pooling with a large palpable ball of muscle protruding behind the leg. These individuals may not be able to walk without intense pain and should be evaluated by a medical professional.



Lateral Epicondylitis: 

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Chiropractic Care:

Your chiropractic physician may recommend one of many different in office treatment methods to assist you in recovering as quickly as possible. The most well supported of these treatments are ankle joint manipulation,supervised rehabilitation exercises and in cases of recurrent injury, bracing.

Ankle Manipulation:

Ankle joint manipulations or “adjustments” are specific thrust procedures applied directly to the ankle joint by your chiropractor designed to stretch the soft tissues and gap the joint causing functional and neurological changes in joint mechanics. In cases of ankle sprain, adjustments reduce pain, increased range of motion, and lead to a quicker functional recovery when compared to those who are not adjusted. 

Supervised Rehabilitation Exercises:

In competitive sports medicine, supervised rehabilitation is the standard of care. For the athlete supervised rehabilitation exercises result in less pain and instability as well as greater gains in ankle strength and joint proprioception and performance. Functional rehabilitation programs prescribed by your chiropractor have a proven track record in returning athletes back to the field in less time and with less disability. These in office rehab programs may include strength training, functional screening, neuromuscular and proprioceptive exercises, stability training and a variety of other assisted exercises designed to allow you to recover as quickly as possible.

Home Care:

When caring a non-complicated ankle sprain at home the RICE protocol has been demonstrated to be an effective measure in decreasing pain and swelling. Individuals undergoing home care for soft tissue injuries such as ankle sprains should perform the RICE protocol immediately after injury and continue for the first 24 hours. RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression & Elevation.



Risk Factors & Prevention:

Sports Participation:

Ankle sprains are a common sports injury. Sports that require rolling or twisting your foot, such as basketball, tennis, football, soccer and trail running, can make you vulnerable to spraining your ankle, particularly if you’re overweight. Playing sports on an uneven surface also can increase your risk.

Previous Injury:

After the first time you have sprained your ankle, or had any other type of traumatic ankle injury, you are significantly more likely to sprain it again. This risk can be drastically reduced by wearing a brace to support the less stable ankle.


In most cases a combination of properly preparing for activity, as well as stretching and strengthening exercises, will be enough to keep your ankles from being injured. For athletes, and those who have a previous history of ankle injury, the addition of balance training and proper taping or bracing may also help prevent the condition from reoccurring. 


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